The Art of Creating Healing Experiences

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The Art of Creating Healing Experiences.png

The Art of Creating Healing Experiences



I am here to share all I know through my studies & experiences, and guide you through a process, initiation, and offer tools to CREATE & hold space. 

I have been called to share how to create safe and successful healing experiences.  I have held healing experiences since 2017 when I created a community space in Charlotte, NC where I held Cacao Ceremonies, ecstatic dance, meditations, sound healing journeys, yoga, creative space, & a safe place for the community to come to just “be”. 

  I’m not here to tell you how to be like me, how to teach like me or share what I have to share.  I’m here to guide you to BE the most confident, safe, clear, concise, & unique YOU as you share what you’re here to share. 

 We all have gifts.  To share them is a part of our purpose here on Earth.  And it makes the game of Life waaay more fun.  I want you to share your magic.  I want you to step into your power even more.  I want for you to live a successful and joyful life, doing what you want, adding to the love on this planet.

I’m offering an apprenticeship/mentorship program if:

*you’re wanting to know all the ins and outs of creating a healing experience for others

*you want to stand out

*you want to have a safe experience for yourself & others

*you want to offer something unique

*you want to market yourself without feeling slimy

*you want to be diverse & all inclusive

*you want to be familiar to those with sensitivities & lived experiences that include trauma

*you want to be proficient at trauma-informed languaging 

*you aren’t sure how magical you are or how to use your magic in the highest good for all

*you want your offerings to the world to be truly healing (to be a positive change)

*you want to know how to handle a situation that becomes unsafe for anyone involved

*you know you can speak more to the depths but don’t quite have the languaging or practice

*you desire to manage your own energy so you don’t take on anyone else’s

**you’d like to be guided while you create your own events/experiences, get real-time feedback, & have continual unconditionally loving support while you do something badass!

These are some of the things I want to share with you.  Although we’ll meet virtually, you will experience real-life practices.  You will create groups that you’ll lead/facilitate so you receive real-time feedback through experience.  I will prod you & push you to your creative edges.  It’ll be like learning to drive the car while driving it. And learning the ‘rules of the road’ before you get behind the wheel so everyone is safe. 

Why me?

I hold the responsibilities of group gatherings sacred.  I’ve held groups for a diverse community of men, women, youth, elders, people experiencing homelessness, in recovery, business owners & entrepreneurs, healers, medicine workers, and more.  I’ve held groups & have shared my unique medicine at Universities, non-profits, medical offices, private gatherings, festivals, retreats, and more.  I brought something unique to Charlotte, NC & now everywhere I go.  I have held safe space for thousands of people to have their own healing experience. Over the years as a peer support; holding space for a myriad of people, I have been in situations that were not safe that I had to transmute and make safe, physically, emotionally, and mentally for the participants. 

If you feel ready, or to get ready, or to become more potent in offering your magic & medicine, I’d love you to join this cohort!

Respond to this email with a YES and I will send you an application/questionnaire so I get to know more about your desires & availability.  This program will be tailored to YOU and your desires. 

What to expect:  

 Once a week a virtual meeting that you must attend live (will also be recorded so you can replay).  The dates will be chosen after you fill out a questionnaire/application.

 Private Facebook group for extra love and support and where you’ll share your progress & challenges

A private 60 min 1:1 session with me at any point during our 8 week journey

Certificate of completion

All the above mentioned plus the perks of having this mentorship just for you and an intimate cohort to grow with.

Thank you for reading this and for considering! 

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